“Your kimchi will mature with time. What will be your favourite stage?”




raw & fresh / 1-10 days


Your kimchi will be 1-2 days old on delivery as it starts bubbling due to friendly bacteria. The initial fermentation happens on the way to you.

We advise you to store your kimchi in the fridge to let it ferment slowly in cool temperatures under 8°C.


tangy & electric / 11-20 days


As the kimchi starts to mature, the textures and spices blend together resulting in a pleasantly tangy and electric flavour.

In this stage, live probiotics - lactobacillus - drastically increase making the kimchi very delicious as well as super healthy.


mellow & earthy / 21-30 days


As kimchi ages further, its flavour gets deeper with softer textures. The kimchi is fully developed in this stage.

Our best before date is set as within two months of production as the kimchi can stay healthy up to 2 months if kept well in the fridge.